
Application of waffle mold in foundation 1

Application of waffle mold in foundation 1

Application of waffle mold in foundation 1

Application of waffle mold in foundation 1 : Let’s check the application of waffle mold in foundation 1 together in PSP company (manufacturer of waffle roof and waffle mold).

The use of waffle molds in the foundation can be used as one of the soil improvement methods in problematic soils. Some soils react strongly to moisture and become swollen, reduced in strength, or liquefied. These types of soils are called problematic soils. Problematic soils include swelling, flowing, expanding and collapsing soils.

Application of waffle mold in foundation 1
Application of waffle mold in foundation 1

Swelling soils are soils that show a significant increase in volume due to the increase in humidity. In fact, it can be said that swellable soils move in the opposite direction to consolidation, that is, instead of losing water and reducing volume, they absorb water and gain volume, the phenomenon of swelling is a reversible phenomenon, that is The soil shrinks after the moisture decreases. The expanding soil is a type of mainly clay soil whose grains are light in weight and have a round structure, with a porous environment inside and their outer layer is resistant. In expanding soil, swelling occurs in their structure when the amount of soil moisture changes.

Application of waffle mold in foundation 1

If you are planning to choose a waffle mold and a waffle roof, we are the experts and engineers of PSP (waffle roof and waffle mold manufacturer) ready to advise and cooperate with you.

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