
Waffle roof design basics

Waffle roof design basics

Waffle roof design basics

Waffle roof design basics : Know the basics of waffle roof design better The experts of PSP (manufacturer of waffle roof and waffle molds) are by your side to review the basics of waffle roof design, so stay with us until the end of this article.

In general and according to various regulations, it can be said that the following principles should be adhered to for the design of the waffle roof. He carried out the necessary controls and checks in this case.

Waffle roof design basics - نمونه طراحی سقف وافل

The items and principles of design can be named as follows:

Controlling the fit of the distance between the beams and the slab according to the implementation points and regulations
Determining the overall thickness of the roof according to the span and long-term and short-term rise

Waffle roof design basics

Design of roof reinforcements considering the minimum and maximum load of the roof and rebar of the regulations
One-way and two-way cutting control (punch cutting)
Design and control of middle beams
Considering the ductility in the waffle roof and related straps

In each system and building, it is actually a specific and related problem.

It is not possible to wrap a general version for the design of all systems. But we can safely say that compliance with the above will make the structure safe to a large extent. It will perform properly if all the above items are observed.

Thank you for being with us until the end.

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