
The need to design a structure with maximum opening

The need to design a structure with maximum opening

The need to design a structure with maximum opening

The need to design a structure with maximum opening : Let’s check the necessity of designing the structure with the maximum opening of the hollow waffle roof together in PSP company (manufacturer of waffle roof and waffle mold).

The maximum opening of the waffle roof is such that it can be divided into three important factors in the structure. The meaning of these three factors is the safety of the structure, the cost, the beauty of the plan. These three factors are very important for engineers and contractors and even buyers.

The need to design a structure with maximum opening - هزینه سقف وافل

To be able to implement our structure with a roof that is responsive in long spans. It is also possible to save building costs by removing extra columns. It is an important thing in construction.

The need to design a structure with maximum opening

If you are planning to choose a waffle mold and a waffle roof, we are the experts and engineers of PSP (waffle roof and waffle mold manufacturer) ready to advise and cooperate with you.

You can also follow more activities of PSP company on Instagram.

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