Disadvantages of beam and block ceilings
What are the disadvantages of beam and block ceilings? Do you know the disadvantages of beam and block ceilings?
Stay with us with the new and useful article of PSP company (waffle roof and waffle mold manufacturer) so that we can examine the disadvantages of beam and block roofs together.
Disadvantages of beam and block ceilings
Disadvantages of beam and block ceilings
One of the disadvantages of the block beam roof is the release of toxic substances from the unolith during a fire
The possibility of breaking the heel in this type of roof
It cannot be used for more than eight meters.
Plaster may crack over time.
The narrowing of the cross-section of the beams reduces the resistance of the roof against earthquakes.
Since the beam is made in the workshop, there may not be enough quality control on it.
It has limitations in execution in arched and triangular roofs.
Cement blocks may crumble during a strong earthquake. resulting in collapse.
And among the disadvantages of the block beam roof, it must be said that this roof is less rigid than the concrete and composite slab roof.
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