
One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee : Let’s check together the price of one-sided and two-sided waffle roof implementation in PSP company (manufacturer of waffle roof and waffle mold).
Since the joists are in two directions in the two-sided waffle roof, the price is usually higher than the one-sided waffle roof, but this increase is not noticeable and it is affordable for many contractors. There are also many contractors who include this amount.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

Format type

The type of mold can be one-sided or double-sided, and it can be of high-quality material with high durability, which is used several times by the waffle roof contractor, or of weak and disposable material. Due to the fact that in many works the templates are prepared by contractors, usually what kind of template and what type of ceiling is used has an impact on the final price.

Number of floors

Also, the number of floors also affects the final price. Because the costs of transportation and providing the required tools should be calculated on these numbers. Therefore, in roofs where the number of floors is usually less than 5, these numbers show themselves more.

In ceilings above 5 to 6 floors, usually the cost of traveling and transporting the waffle mold is spread over the entire floor and the cost of each ceiling is reduced. Of course, increasing the number of floors above 8 due to the application of the floor coefficient will increase the implementation cost.

The type of reinforcement and silence

The type of rebar is another thing that affects the price of the waffle roof. Because labor and speed depend on this item. In systems whose design criteria are special, a lot of time must be spent by human resources. This issue will increase the ceiling implementation fee.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

Waffle roof plan

Usually, the roofs that have more complex plans, their final salary also increases. In these types of roofs, the contractor needs to cut three-layer boards, cardboard, etc. which usually include these numbers in the wage of the Waffle ceiling. Therefore, it can be said that waffle roofs, whose plan is much more complicated, have a higher salary than designs with a rectangular plan.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee
One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

What parameters affect the wages of the Waffle roof implementation?
Just as various elements are involved in the cost of implementing a waffle roof, the same feature is defined in the salary. Therefore, a single number cannot be considered and expressed for it.

If all the mentioned items are checked and implemented by employers and experts, then a specific number can be mentioned for it.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

Failure to determine the performance fee before review

Usually, those people who intend to use the waffle roof, ask questions about its costs from the construction companies that implement this project, so that they can make the necessary plans and estimates. The problem that exists in this regard is that it will not be possible to determine the performance fee before examining the desired location and the mentioned items, and in no way can a definite figure be considered for it.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

Every project has its own difficulties and eases. Therefore, the salary and other points in it are also different from each other. In order to be able to express the executive salary of a building, it is necessary to examine the overall level of a substructure.

If you are planning to choose a waffle mold and a waffle roof, we are the experts and engineers of PSP (waffle roof and waffle mold manufacturer) ready to advise and cooperate with you.

You can also follow more activities of PSP company on Instagram.

One-way and two-way waffle roof execution fee

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